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Thursday, June 19, 2008


Journalism is the business of timely knowledge – the business of obtaining the necessary information, of evaluating them carefully, of presenting them fully, and of acting on them wisely. Yet, campus journalism is primarily an educational experience, not a business enterprise. It is designed not to make students become experts in any or all phases of newspaper works, but to familiarize them with the functions and responsibilities of one of the most powerful means of communication in a modern society. It will enable them to become aware of the importance of timely and factual information in their everyday lives, and how these pieces of information affect their beliefs and actions. It will start them on the road, in other words, to a growing understanding of, and respect for, the spoken and the written language. It will help them exchange more intelligently their views and opinions with others. By so doing, a study of journalism will make them a more efficient citizen in a more effective community.

Journalism and Print Media is an Elective English IV subject designed to familiarize students with the history of journalism, journalistic writings, such as news, sports, features, and editorials, and other phases of newspaper works, such as interviewing, copy reading, headlining, cartooning, layouting, proofreading, and photojournalism, and to help them acquire and develop skills necessary for joining the school newspaper and for contributing to a community newspaper.

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