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Monday, June 9, 2008


Teaching and learning how to write a book, a movie, or a play review is never easy. The following article will help you how to teach and how to learn writing a brief critique of a book, a movie, or a play, which will guide prospective readers, spectators, or theater goers.

A book, a movie, or a play review is a brief critique of a book, a movie, or a play. It is written to guide prospective readers, spectators, or theater goers.

In writing a book, a movie, or a play review, indicate the subject-the title, the author, and the publisher of the book; the title, the playwright, the director, and the producer of the movie; and the title, the playwright, the director, and the producer of the play. Include earlier works of the author and the publisher of the book; the playwright, the director, and the producer of the movie, or the playwright, the director, and the producer play.

State when and where the book was published, when and where the movie was produced, or when and where the play was performed. Include historical background to enable prospective readers, spectators, or theater goers to place the book, the movie, or the play into a specific context.

Click How to Write a Book, a Movie, or a Play Review to continue reading the article.

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